Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Lucy Naland

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer

Design Editor | Fall 2015-Spring 2016; Senior Design Editor | Fall 2016; Presentation Director | Spring-Fall 2017; Special Projects Designer | Spring 2018

I walked into The Daily Orange determined to write. But after stumbling across Visuals, those dreams vanished — replaced by editorial design.

Much has changed since then, but The D.O. has remained a constant in my life. And this old, rickety, much-loved home has given me so much. It’s the reason I’m a designer, and I’ve made so many lifelong friends. The staffs I’ve worked with made me who I am today. This is my attempt to thank them.

Chloe: We joke I’m your mini-me, but honestly, any comparison to you is a compliment. Your mentorship has impacted my career more than anyone else’s (and not only because I’ve painstakingly copied your every move for years). Thankful for our news design convos, trips to Instagrammable D.C. coffee shops and sangria-fueled gossip sessions. I’m so lucky to know you. La Colombe soon?

Clare: Before we met, I knew you as the loud former Pulp editor who was abroad. Now, you’re a dear friend. Your talent and confidence are inspiring. Thank you for always laughing at my jokes and for showing me being assertive is OK. It’s thanks to you I don’t need that “Sorry” jar anymore.

Mara: You were the first face I saw when I walked into Open House. I’ve looked up to you ever since. You’re one of the strongest and most brilliant people I know, and I’m grateful for our shared Girls Nights and drives to and from Nova. Thanks for always having my back.

Justin: Your encouraging words made a world of difference for a shy freshman designer. I’m endlessly appreciative of the motivation and knowledge you’ve passed on to everyone you’ve worked with.

Jacob: You delivered on your Stephen Dunn “Mon Semblable” promise. But in doing so, you made me a different person.

Sara: You’re the reason I made it to Open House. Thanks for being the best peer adviser an incoming NOJ-soon-to-be-GRA major could ask for.

Sam B.: Thanks for your jokes and for always being on my side. I’m so grateful our D.O. careers overlapped.

Jon: If I had an older brother, I imagine our relationship would be much like yours and mine. Thanks for having the best sense of humor around, even if you usually just used it to insult me.

Schwed: Thanks for being everyone’s hype man and for helping keep visuals #fresh one Pinterest board at a time.

Caroline C: You’re the most supportive person I know. Thanks for reppin’ the DMV in style.

Haley: Thankful my late returns home freshman year didn’t keep you from applying in-house.

Kathryn: You’re hilarious, brilliant and oh-so talented. Don’t let anyone forget it.

Jes: My Photoshop queen! You’ll be unstoppable in Los Angeles.

Alex S: Your laugh is infectious. One semester with you wasn’t nearly enough.

Graham: Thanks for always supporting my chicken tikka masala addiction (and let’s not forget that garlic naan).

Anna & Kevin: Thanks for making Digital brighter.

Casey R: You’re wicked talented. One question: Are you going to finish that croissant?

Sam F: From memes in the paper to “tummy mergency” to your constant teasing, being a head ed with you was dope. Thanks for reminding me not to take anything too seriously.

Brigid: You illuminate every room. Thanks for the laughter, warmth and cheer you bring into everyone’s lives.

Danny: I’m glad Digital taught you some new slang. How about an explainer on how great you are?

Stacy: You’re sunshine on a cloudy Syracuse day, and Pulp owes so much positive change to you.

Sabrina: I’m so emo Visuals only got one semester with your magnificent sense of humor.

Amy, Casey & Talia: One of the best things I did was hire you three. You’ve slayed the game since day one, and your thoughtfulness and humor have made The D.O. an infinitely better place. Casey, you’re going to be amazing in News. Amy and Talia, you’d both be wonderful PDs someday.

Katie & Eliza: The sheer talent and kindness you two possess is unbelievable. Thank you for making my motion skills 3000 percent better through all your wisdom.

Bridget & Kateri: I joke that I asked you to apply because I wanted to be your friends. Well, it worked, and The D.O. gained incredible designers along the way. Bridget, you’re going to be a marvelous PD. Kateri, see you in Copenhagen!

Ali: You are the reason I strive to be a more positive person and use excessive exclamation marks while texting. It’s been a joy to see you grow at The D.O. With you as ME, its future is brighter than ever.

Michael: Major key: working with you. I’m glad I was here to see you become one of the best journalists I know. Thanks for those wild conspiracy theory breakdowns over Dino BBQ.

Lydia: I’m so thankful we got closer this semester. Your bold personality and hilarious celebrity gossip obsession were some of the best parts about working in Digital. You’re going to kill it as Pulp editor.

Rori: You’re a gem, and you never fail to make me laugh. I’m devastated I won’t be around while you’re video editor, but I know you’ll be great. In the meantime, I expect plenty of late-night DJ’s Snaps. *Dab*

Ally: You were my right-hand gal for two semesters, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I’ll always remember gossiping in Visuals, occasional art fiascos and our Earth, Wind & Fire obsession.

Kiran: You’re the only person I know who is as hilarious as they are gracious and kind. You bring out the best in everyone, and the nights we’ve spent eating tacos, watching movies and laughing together have been some of my happiest. You radiate beauty, and the world is an immensely better place because you’re in it. Thanks for always being there for me, even when an ocean away.

Chris: I’ve known you since freshman year, but it’s the time we’ve spent together after you graduated that’s meant so much to me. Our pho dinners, Tully’s trips and talks in your car until 5 a.m. defined my junior year. Thank you for understanding me better than most. Keep practicing your chopstick skills for when I get back.

Rachel: GORL. My Nova princess, karaoke queen and fellow Claire Foy superfan! Thank you for being the most empathetic person — and for all that tea in Digital. You make me laugh more than anyone, and I’m thankful we spent time at home together before you left for California. We’ll pour one out for Big Ang at Town someday.

Tomer: You have the incredible ability to make anyone you’re talking to feel like they’re the only person in the world. That alone will take you far. Being a head ed with you was one of the highlights of my time here, even though I adopted your self-deprecating humor. I’m unbelievably lucky you’re in my life.

Alexa T.: I stayed this semester to keep spending time with people like you. You’re the hardest-working gal around, but you always made time to talk about the latest Thoughts of Dog tweet or laugh at Vines with me. Thanks for making me feel loved and valued. Driving to South with you after production was always the best part of my day, and I’m so lucky to call you one of my closest friends. McDonald’s tonight?

Alexa D.: You’ve done more for this paper than the rest of us combined, though you’d never admit it. Becoming close with you was one of the best things to happen to me. I loved coming into work because I knew I would be spending it with someone more encouraging, brilliant and caring than I ever thought possible. Thanks for rooting me on unconditionally. You’ve made me a better person.

Andy: We’re incredibly different people, but you’re still the person I share everything with and can’t wait to talk to every day. My life would be incomplete without your reality TV knowledge, YouTube mashups obsession and Drag Race Thursdays. Your iconic personality and sense of humor are just two of the reasons I’ll miss you. Thanks for being the most genuine person and for filling my life with charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. The world doesn’t deserve you.

Emma: We joke I brought you to The D.O., but you’ve changed my life beyond inspiring me to pursue design. We started here together, and we’ve been through it all — giggle fits in Digital, rooming on South, Visuals drama, absurd philosophy TAs, trips to Montreal. I don’t know where I’d be without your advice, fashion sense and loyal friendship. I’ve learned from you every day for the past six semesters as I’ve tried to keep up with your talent and drive. Our D.O. era is over, but our Danish adventure is just the next stage of this lifelong friendship.

Mom, Dad & Alice: You’ve been The D.O.’s No. 1 fans from the start. Nothing I am or do would be possible if it weren’t for you. I love you.

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