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Duck: Ally Moreo

Casey Russell | Head Illustrator

Asst. Photo Editor | Fall 2016; Photo Editor | Spring–Fall 2017

The ice cream man walked on foot from home to home with two Styrofoam coolers, one inside the other, strapped together with string. The villagers in their ill-fitting T-shirts and shoes with holes looked on as he passed by. They didn’t have enough money for their necessities, let alone a cold treat.

While there was a language barrier, the villagers did not have to speak to let us know the condition they were living in because it was completely visual.

After my time in Nicaragua in 2014, I realized photography was not only to capture moments in time, but to tell stories. Seeing the conditions in which Nicaraguans lived, I realized people may be unable to tell their own.

The importance of storytelling led me to The Daily Orange, where many people impacted my life.

Mom & Dad: You are the center of my world. Thank you for giving me the freedom to push my boundaries and go the extra mile. Thank you for being patient with me when I don’t answer the phone and for letting me be my nomadic self. I owe this all to you.

Will & Jackson: I’m proud of you champs, so proud of you. Being your older sister has been the greatest learning experience, and greatest honor, of my life.

Katie, Rose, Ashley & Hayley (Olaf, too): There aren’t words to describe how lucky I am to have people who can understand every fiber of my being. Thank you for yelling at my exes and baking cookies. Thank you for agreeing to be my best friend in kindergarten. Thank you for climbing the hills of Nicaragua with me. Thank you for remaining an incredible friend despite the obstacles. Thank you for being there unconditionally. I love you guys.

Cameron: You bring me so much joy every day. You are a constant reminder that life should only be about fun. You know? Fun with a side of ketchup. I’m lucky you understand how difficult it is to tell a story in less than 20 minutes and why I only use capital letters. I adore everything about you.

Ally: Thank you for not hating me for taking the big single, just to get home at 12:30 every night and leave at 8 a.m. You kept me sane for two years with my lack of friends and free time. Thank you for doing my makeup and opening your closet to me. However many times I clean your room, it will never make up for how much you mean to me.

Kayla: Thank you for staying up all night helping me write my photo editor cover letter and for dinners at the Mediles. I’m grateful we danced in the rain.

Lexi: Your sarcastic stories and life updates are always a joy to come home to. I’m proud of how you’ve grown.

Jes: Mom, wow. I can’t thank you enough for this adventure, for switching to the dark side and teaching me to see differently. Your support system has never faded, and I’m forever in your debt for that.

Jacob: The J-train took me further than from just the Warehouse to SU. Thank you for sparking this.

Frankie: Thank you for answering every time I text you in a panic, sending story ideas and old shoots and helping me lead. You’ve been an incredible mentor and support system.

Chase: You’re right: You don’t know what you’re doing until a semester into the job, which inspired me to do it twice.

Greenfeld: You can teach the world a lot about how to balance work with fun.

Colin: Chase your dreams and keep going until you get there. Don’t stop. Don’t doubt. If you do, you’ll be on the steps.

Sabrina: Who knew, three years ago, when we were learning how to twerk in Colloquium that we would be alive now. Here’s to the stupid readings, unnecessary assignments and GPA cutoffs. I’m lucky to have you by my side beyond just 744.

Paul: Breathe. Trust your gut. You got this. Bilo go to Gulag.

Lucy: Ba-de-ya, do you remember? Our very first night of production. I’ll miss sitting next to you and your spontaneous tea. I’ll always be your photo editor and an Amtrak away. Order tonight?

Justin: When you said it was the greatest honor to serve as our EIC, I can say the same as for being photo editor under your management. You sparked my love of being an editor. Thank you for your constant inspiration and for letting me attend HONY.

Alexa, Alexa & Slipper: Thank you for everything. You’ve been a backbone and a guiding light. LGM.

Emma & Andy: You brighten each day with your primary-colored jackets, your constant jokes and gossip. Thank you for being downstairs ready to listen to my rants and updating me on the latest semi-drama. Andy, proud of you for making The D.O. sluttier.

Brigid: I really don’t know if you know how serious I am when I say you’re a ray of sunshine.

Sara & Kathryn: Second time’s the charm when it comes to getting to know you. Thank you for the sangria, support and handshakes.

Gilbert: Admit one: sexy single lady photoshoot.

Casey: We were the perfect example of surviving — not thriving — last semester, but we made it. Here’s to overcoming obstacles, counting crows and that time we had a sleepover in North Carolina.

Graham: Don’t doubt yourself, even when it comes to girls. And hey, got any games?

Charlie: Zero. We did it.

Schwed: If it hadn’t been for our Bomberry trip, I wouldn’t have learned what it’s like to be a journalist.

Satoshi: Your yellow letter will sit on my desk, in my camera bag or wherever I go, until the day I retire.

Ali: You know your place in the world and see a perspective most people don’t. Never lose your adventurous heart and keep watching sunsets. It’s a delight to leave Visuals in your hands.

Tomer: Wherever the world takes you, I’m looking forward to ice cream at Eddie’s.

Rori: One day, I promise to take that drive to Mohawk. I’ll be at Blue Dolphin if you need me.

Stacy: My heart broke when you got your car. I’ve learned more about humanity in our rides than in real life. Please rolly rolly rolly with a dab of ranch all the way to Brazil.

Amanda: You have no idea how special you are. There are few people in this world whom I look to as a role model like yourself. Your compassion, love and presence makes me want to be a better person. I’m grateful I met you.

Best friend: I wouldn’t wake up at 7 a.m. because I care about football, but the oblivion sparked a never-ending adventure. You’ve got a friend in me, one who will be by your side through anything. Your eagerness to push yourself to be the greatest person you can be is unmatched. With every Post-it, coffee date, newspaper clipping, Luca, Paris pastry and rock you find on the beach, you drive me to be a better person. You bring sunshine to rainy days on the beach. With a hug, a lift and a pink frosted donut, I love you.

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